Back in the age of anything goes
You could rope and ride, shoot your gun
Belly up to the bar and have some fun
Chicks in town were all Irish whores
Ready and willin' behind swingin doors
Well that kinda of life works for me
You gotta love the nineteenth century
Shoot a redskin or own a slave
Beat your kids if they misbehaved
Preacher would slap you on the back
Say " Son, what's wrong with that?"
Stake a claim, mine for gold
No EPA regs for diggin holes
Yeah that sounds pretty good to me
You gotta love the nineteenth century
Rob a railroad or blow a bank,
Call youself Jesse, your brother Frank
Half the world, desert and sun
The other half, Miss Kitty's bun
Old Mississipi when cotton was King
When you could hear the darkies sing
A big plantation, your Bell's sweet tea
You gotta love the nineteenth century
I've asked the question, its hard to say
Will today be tomorrow's good old days?
With all the pollution, drugs and crime
It might be perfect for some future guys
But me, I'm old fashion, sort of set in my ways
I like mid-wives, horses and open range
If I had my druthers you'd know where I'd be
You gotta love the nineteenth century
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